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Welcome to Canoga Park Middle School

Home of the Explorers!

 Our unique and diverse campus is quietly located in the residential community of Canoga Park. As we strive to ensure that our students are “Ready for World” we explore new partnerships and programs to bring equitable and enriching opportunities to all of our students.

This fall we will be opening our NEW Spanish Dual Language Immersion Program for the first incoming class of 6th graders. This is our first step in creating a foundational pathway to bilingual education and biliteracy for all of our students. Our Medical Math and Science Magnet and Media Arts and Communication Magnet are gearing up to take on Climate/Media Literacy this school year (6th grade spaces are still available) Additionally, Our Holland's Opus Grant Award winning Music Program is excited about cultivating young musicians from novice to advanced performers for an amazing year with music and the arts.

Our school community staff and faculty are dedicated to creating meaningful collaboration and communication with all stakeholders to offer more than any of us could individually to our students. This collective team includes two counselors, A-G counselor, Social Worker, Attendance Counselor, full time Nurse, School Climate Advocates, Dean of Students, Restorative Justice Teacher and a dynamic instructional coaching team, robust and active PTSA , Parent Center Director, and onsite Healthy Start Health Clinic.

We have recently partnered with ENrich LA who will be building a new agriculture learning center for our students and school community. Stay tuned for our opening night celebration event.

New spaces and experiences will continue to be developed and designed to support students academically and social emotionally to ensure a successful school year and develop strong leaders who will contribute to our global and local communities.

Our themes this year are::
  • Kindness begins with ME
  • Attendance Matters
  • I am Ready for the World
We thank you for your support and encourage positive partnerships and engagement to support our students and staff as we begin the new school year. Together we will continue to build the legacy of Academic Explorers that are READY FOR THE WORLD.

Work Hard, Be Kind and Have Fun!


Lisa Hamilton, Principal